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Learning Disabilities In Children – Everything Parents Need To Know

Learning Disabilities In Children - Everything Parents Need To Know

Every child has a bad time in school. If the problems persist, there is a need for action. 

Children with a learning disorder are not stupid! You just need other learning methods so that the school material finds its way into their memory, says Healthpally

Your child reads and practices, but still has problems writing a sentence correctly or solving math problems easily?

Often, these are only temporary problems; occasional tutoring can help with learning problems

But sometimes, the cause goes deeper – the cause could be one of the forms of cerebral palsy  

Learning disabilities in children, as they are are not uncommon.

They have difficulty learning the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic and are unable to learn at the same speed as other students.

Nature of Children Learning Disabilities

These students are usually just as intelligent as their classmates and are mentally and physically healthy. 

Even so, when it comes to writing, reading, or arithmetic, they lag far behind their classmates.

These learning difficulties should be recognized and treated as early as possible.

A good understanding of language is important for the social and professional development of our children and mathematical knowledge is elementary in order to be able to master everyday situations. 

Common Learning Difficulties in Children

  • Dyslexia (poor reading and spelling)
  • Dyscalculia (arithmetic weakness)

Triggers for Learning Difficulties in Children

  • Dyspraxia is a cause of learning disabilities in children
  • ADHD as a cause of a learning disability
  • Giftedness can also trigger learning difficulties

Causes of Learning Disabilities

Learning disabilities can be hereditary or a side effect of diseases such as autism, Asperger’s syndrome, or ADHD.

Brain damage, such as a stroke or a traumatic brain injury, can subsequently lead to a learning disorder even in adulthood.

A subsequent learning disorder can make the victim no longer be able to write words after an accident, although they have the knowledge and the physical requirements to do so.

If children have problems at school, they do not necessarily have to be a learning disorder. 

The social environment, pressure of expectations, or fear of school can lead to learning blocks, which are considered to be learning difficulties in children. 

The difficulties in learning usually go away as soon as the cause has been found and eliminated.


If you suspect your child has a learning disability, it is best to talk to the teacher first. 

He can assess your child’s learning behavior better and advise you whether, in his opinion, it’s a learning disability or just a temporary problem

The school authority can refer you to a certain child therapist. These experts then run appropriate tests to make a diagnosis.


Failures in learning affect self-confidence. This is why it is particularly important for children with a learning disability to rebuild their self-confidence. 

If the child believes in himself, that paves the best path to recovery.

If social factors such as pressure to perform or family problems impair learning behavior, parents may not be able to stop it but therapy tailored to the child helps to normalize learning behavior.

The therapy is very simple and slow. Patience is required here – not only from the child but also from their parents.

If a student actually has a congenital learning disorder, he or she can possibly be sent to a special school.

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